
Writing encouragement through challenges, where the writer must write a certain number of words in…

18 Alternatives To 4thewords

750 Words

Hello, welcome to a little thing called 750 Words. Join 391, 456 other writers by signing up now →. ☆ What is this site about? It’s about learning a new habit: Writing.

Dimer Beta

Simplest way to write and publish beautiful docs


FocusWriter is a fullscreen, distraction-free word processor designed to immerse you as much as…


A free, web-based writing interface that erases your work after a few seconds of inactivity.


“Dark, disturbing, yet eerily beautiful, Limbo is a world that deserves to be explored.” Joystiq. “Limbo is as close to perfect at what it does as a game can get.” Destructoid.

Moleskine Smart Notebook

Turn hand-drawn sketches into fully workable vector files

The Most Dangerous Writing App

If you stop typing, all progress is lost.

Write or Die

Write or Die is an application for Windows, Mac and Linux which aims to eliminate writer’s…


Software for full screen distraction free creative writing. No whistles and bells, just empty screen, you and your words. WriteMonkey is light, fast, and perfectly handy for those who enjoy the simplicity of a typewriter but live in modern times.
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