ACT Flashcards from Magoosh
Everything you should have learned in high school
22 Alternatives To ACT Flashcards from Magoosh
Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy. Because it’s a lot more efficient than traditional study methods, you can either greatly decrease your time spent studying, or greatly increase the amount you learn.
Find, create, and study SMART FLASHCARDS on any device. DOUBLE your learning speed using the most effective study system on the planet. Keep all your content in sync across Brainscape’s website and your Android devices.
Class Solver
Helping place students in the right classes
CodeCode Ninja
Flashcards for programmers
Teach anything to anyone from anywhere.
Files Board
Organize & manage your documents, photos and videos
Flashcards for Developers
Flashcards to boost your professional skills
Grammar Snob
Markup your friends’ iMessages like an English teacher í ½í¸
LearningSpaces for Teams
Focus, share and connect with your teams’ knowledge
Simple Cards
A powerful and easy-to-use flashcard manager
Sow Chrome
Study flashcards on your most visited sites in Chromeí ½í±¨í ¼í¿¾âí ¼í¾í ½í³