A bot to automatically bookmark the tweets you like.
17 Alternatives To botmarker
Agile CRM
Agile CRM (Customer relationship management) features modern CRM with marketing automation, social suite & web analytics, allowing small businesses to sell and market like the Fortune 500.
Always Reading
Queue up articles and schedule when you want to read them.
Buzz Chronicles
Folders for your Twitter Bookmarks
A little companion app for collecting Tweets
CircleCI gives web developers powerful Continuous Integration and Deployment with easy setup and maintenance.
Schedule articles you’ve saved to send to your inbox
All your web things.
Ghost is a fully open source, adaptable platform for building and running a modern online publication. We power blogs, magazines and journalists from Zappos to Sky News.
Jenkins is an open-source continuous integration server with 300+ plugins to support all kinds of software development
Receive weekly reminders of unread, bookmarked articles
Fast way to share the websites that you like
Slack It
A bookmarklet to share links in Slack with one click
Sum It Up
A micro bookmarker & multicolor highlighter for note keeping
Tab management for power users
Sync your timeline across your iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Mute tweets by user, hashtag, tweet source, or keywords (including regex). 3rd Party support for image, video, read later, and timeline sync services.
Twitter Bookmarks
Create shortcuts to your favorite users/tweets on Twitter