Business Model Kit

Explore revenue models to make money with your idea

21 Alternatives To Business Model Kit

B2B LinkedIn content marketing

A 14 step guide to acquire and nurture leads on Linkedin


A simple and elegant project management system. Basecamp is more than just a project management tool — it’s a better way to work. Teams that switch to Basecamp are more productive and better organized.


Create lean, feature or biz model canvases for free

Content Marketing Playbook

Built from 12 years and 83,232,485 visits. By Hiten Shah.

G2 Track

Manage your entire technology stack in one dashboard

GDPR Hall of Shame

GDPR shutdowns and horror stories 👎

GLIDR Team Edition

Product Management Software, Reinvented

Growth Hacker Course

An interactive online course from Ryan Holiday


Manage your favorite projects with a new perspective, free yourself from the limitation of a long…

Marketing Stack

A curated directory of marketing resources and tools

Scaling Lean

Mastering the key metrics for startup growth

Searchable GDPR

Easily search in the official GDPR text thanks to Algolia

Secure Privacy

Make your website GDPR compliant

Startup Stash

A curated directory of 400 resources & tools for startups
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