Cadence EDA

Here are the steps you use to design your own processor.

22 Alternatives To Cadence EDA

Amazon Comprehend

Discover insights and relationships in text


Camstar Enterprise Platform is a global-ready, growth-ready enterprise manufacturing execution system (MES) for control, visibility and continuous improvement.


Extract actionable insights from customer feedback using deep learning


Confirmit provides software that enables organizations to conduct customer and employee feedback, and market research programs.


FuzzyWuzzy is a Fuzzy String Matching in Python that uses Levenshtein Distance to calculate the differences between sequences.

Google Cloud Natural Language API

Natural language API using Google machine learning

IBM Watson Tone Analyzer

IBM Watson Tone Analyzer is a service that uses linguistic analysis to detect three types of tones from text: emotion, social tendencies, and language style, emotions identified include things like anger, fear, joy, sadness, and disgust, identified …

Microsoft Bing Spell Check API

Enhance your apps with the Bing Spell Check API from Microsoft Azure. The spell check API corrects spelling mistakes as users are typing.


Buy NVivo now for flexible solutions to meet your specific research and data analysis needs.


ORITAMES offers advanced planning and scheduling system for manufacturing industries.


Manufacturing software for Electronic Manufacturing EMS,CEM & OEM. Link ERP manufacturing process control job tracking MES for PCB assembly & other industries


RapidMiner is a software platform for data science teams that unites data prep, machine learning, and predictive model deployment.


RunCard is a powerful Manufacturing Execution System that provides unprecedented traceability and control of your shop floor operations.

SPSS Analytics

Find opportunities, improve efficiency and minimize risk, using the advanced statistical analysis capabilities of IBM SPSS software, with its vast library of machine-learning algorithms, and more.


Data science is a team sport. Data scientists, citizen data scientists, business users, and developers need flexible and extensible tools that promote collaboration, automation, and…
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