Use our free Omegle alternative to video chat with strangers instantly and meet cool new people on Chatki. Random video chat available on all mobile devices!
20 Alternatives To Chatkit
Chat API & In-App Messaging SDK for Mobile & Web Apps Innovate fast, save development cost and delight users with a scalable, secure and customizable Chat
Enable Voice, Video and Text Chat on Website and Mobile Apps using CometChat’s Messaging & Chat API.
Modern messaging software for sales and customer engagement teams.
Intercom is a customer relationship management and messaging tool for web businesses. Build relationships with users to create loyal customers. Intercom helps you build customer relationships through conversational, messenger-based experiences across the customer journey.
Moxtra is a multi layered, embeddable team collaboration solution.
Build a custom video experience using our robust APIs, or add plug-and-play video to your website in minutes using Video Chat Embeds. Start Building for FreeTalk to SalesTalk to Sales .
A friendly contact widget for your website
Text message any business
WeChat API
WeChat API and SDK allow developers to access and integrate the functionality of WeChat with other applications.