Codase is the leading source code search company with advanced source code understanding and xml…
18 Alternatives To Codase
AlternativeTo lets you find apps and software for Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android, Android Tablets, Web Apps, Online, Windows Tablets and more by recommending alternatives to apps you already know.
AppAdvice is the leading online and ‘onapp’ resource covering all thing iOS
AppZapp HD Pro
Become part of the worldwide app community with more than 2 million users.
Atlassian Fisheye
With FishEye you can search code, visualize and report on activity and find for commits, files, revisions, or teammates across SVN, Git, Mercurial, CVS and Perforce.
Etsy Hound
Hound is an extremely fast source code search engine.
FileHippo App Manager
Scan your computer for installed apps to check if updates are available.
GrepCode is a code search engine built by developers for developers to search and browse open…
Dashboard and analytics for teams using Pivotal Tracker.
Java examples in open source code.
Krugle is the complete enterprise solution for search targeted to the development organization.
OpenGrok is a fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine.
Product Hunt
A website that lets users share and discover new products
Slant is a collaboratively edited resource that helps you quickly make decisions.
A library of over 1,000,000 free and free-to-try applications for Windows, Mac, Linux and Smartphones, Games and Drivers plus tech-focused news and reviews
Source Insight
Source Insight is a programming editor & code browser with built-in live analysis for C/C++, C#, Java, and more; helping you understand large projects.
Sourcegraph is a free, self-hosted code search and intelligence server that helps developers find, review, understand, and debug code. Use it with any Git code host for teams from 1 to 10,000+.
Text Sherlock
Provides a fast, easy to install and use search engine for text but, mostly for source code.
zGrepCode is your helper to browse open source code online.