
Convert123 is a unit converting tool that lets the Windows users convert between multiple scientific units and puts at their disposal multiple tools for copying and saving conversion data and even sharing the data by means of email as well.

19 Alternatives To Convert123

Basic Metric Converter

This easy to use conversion program empowers its users to convert multiple measurement units with the assistance of a simple and easy to use interface.

Byte Converter

As the name proposes, Byte Converter is a unit converting application that is capable of converting any unit of measurement to the micro level.

Convert for Windows

Convert is a free and easy to use unit conversion program that will convert the most popular units…


ConvertPad is a fully featured unit converter offering various unit conversions in a Android phone.


N-Converter that is also called as Newton Converter allows its users to convert multiple units into few simple steps.

PetroSharp BigDecimal Unit Converter

PetroSharp BigDecimal Unit Converter is a simple yet highly powerful unit converting a program that allows its users to convert multiple measurement units.

Protech Measurements

Protech Measurements is a highly compact and powerful application that empowers its users to seamlessly and instantly convert multiple measurement units.

Quick Conversion-LITE

Quick Conversion-LITE is really a simple to use unit converting application that offers its users with a multiple ways of converting different measurement units.

Super Unit Converter

Super Unit Converter is a super-fast multifunctional unit converter that allows the Windows users to convert the units to different measurement units.


Sync your timeline across your iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Mute tweets by user, hashtag, tweet source, or keywords (including regex). 3rd Party support for image, video, read later, and timeline sync services.


Uconeer is basically an engineering converting program that empowers the scientists, engineers and technicians to get one measurement unit converted into another one.

Unit Converter Gadget

Unit Converter Gadget is a unit conversion for the Windows users that empowers them to always get the right conversion with this advanced unit converter.

Unit Converter Professional

Unit Converter Professional that is also called as Unit Convertor Pro is going to be a highly compact and comprehensive conversion application for all kind of usage.

Universal Converter

The best about Universal Converter is that it supports the conversion of all prevailing metric units like the UK, US, and Japanese.


multiConvert is a simple to use small sized unit converter for converting any unit into another one and getting the real time result on the main window of this program.
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