Emoji Type
Custom keyboard that auto suggests emojis as you type (iOS)
16 Alternatives To Emoji Type
Chrome Commands
Do more with Chrome using commands
Commandline Challenge
Test your command line skills
Designer Emojis
Vector emojis for designers
Emoji Homepage
Emoji Homepage is the easiest way to find and get emojis. Just type, copy and paste.
Emoji Translate
Turn your text into emoji automatically
Shorten and create single-emoji URLs í ¼í¾
Emojify Bot
Emojify your text on Slack, Telegram and Twitter!
Turn English phrases into emojigrams
English â Emoji, because you should be using more Emojis í ½í²¥
Ultimate keyboard for geeks
Live Translate by GoSquared
Speak every language, win every customer.
Localization tool for software developers. Web-based collaborative multi-platform editor, API/CLI, numerous plugins, iOS and Android SDK.
Slack Message Buttons
Making messages more interactive with buttons
Emoji-predicting keyboard by Swiftkey
We build multilingual understanding between companies and their customers.