Exam Testing

Exam Testing is a powerful online exam software that helps you create high-quality exams, tests…

21 Alternatives To Exam Testing



ALEKS is a web-based artificially intelligent assessment and learning system that uses adaptive questioning to accurately determine exactly student knows.


Bridge is a program designed to help designers come together despite their background to manage new projects.


Build wonderful classroom communities with parents and students. Class DojoBuild wonderful classroom communities with parents and .


The ClassMarker online testing website, is a professional, easy to use, online quiz maker that marks your tests and quizzes for you. Create online quizzes free quiz maker. Web-based online testingWeb-based online testing service | Free quiz maker.

Conduct Exam

Conduct Exam is a robust online exam software which offers impeccable assessment solutions


ESGI is the assessment platform for conducting one-on-one assessments for emergent and non-readers.

ExamView Assessment Suite

ExamView lets you can create assignments, launch classroom assessment questions and collect real-time responses to evaluate student performance.


Exambler is your online exam management platform that create and grades result, report to both parents and students.


GoReact is a cloud-based video software for providing feedback, grading and critique of student speeches, presentations and performances.


We make OARS, the Online Assessment Reporting System, supporting common core standards-based education for Kindergarten through 12 through paper- and

NWEA Assessments

NWEA Assessments creates a personalized assessment experience by adapting to each student’s learning level.


Owl is a light-weight Firefox add-on that gives webpages a dark background and dimmed colors.

Portfolium Assessment

Portfolium offers assessment solutions for educational institutes and recruiters.


Tk20 offers solutions for higher education assessment, accreditation, and reporting to help foster a culture of evidence at institutions.


The most advanced performance-based technology platform for delivering skill assessment for the 21st century workforce and classroom.


A web-based platform that helps teachers boost participation and measure the level of understanding of students’ in class thanks to smartphones.


eLumen is a higher-ed, assessment and curriculum management system that gives real insight into each student.

iSpring QuizMaker

iSpring Quiz Maker is easy-to-use quiz software. Create interactive quizzes and surveys in HTML5 & Flash and embed them in a website or publish for any LMS!
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