
The first low-cost private market investment advisor

19 Alternatives To Fundrise

CoStar Investment Analysis

Understand and manage the most complex investment property portfolios with simple reports and dashboards.

Financial Independence Calculator

How early can you 🍹retire if you move to another place?

Fundraising Bot

A bot with an access to a database of 3150 angel investors

Fundraising Resources for Startups

We dug the whole web, so that you don’t have to!

In Cohorts We Trust

A straightforward template to build cohorts for marketplaces

Instabug for Product Managers

Collect and understand user feedback

Investor List

A searchable, crowdsourced list of over 1k investors

Investor Updater

Simple, beautiful workflow tools for investor updates

Omni Calculator

Over 350 calculators in one place 🤓

Product Manager Handbook

Interviews w/ product managers + weekly newsletter

VC Match

Who are the best VCs for your startup?


The easiest way to raise your seed round.


VTS platform is a real estate tool developed to streamline and expedite the leasing process through HD video tours.
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