Get Leads

Curated directory of 100+ websites to get freelance work.

21 Alternatives To Get Leads


Bonsai provides bulletproof freelance work contract templates, simple e-signing, and payment escrow for creative freelancers like designers and developers.


Simple and reliable content ordering platform for busy marketers. Only pre-vetted writers from USA & Canada and 14-day money-back guarantee.


Pay-as-you-go contracts for freelancers

Fiverr Elevate

Free <5 minute lessons to make a living as a freelancer 🤓

Freelance Leads

High quality project leads for freelancers

Freelance Rate Explorer

Visualize rates for thousands of freelance designers & devs

Freelance TV

Collection of stories and interviews on freelancing

Freelancer Stack

Curated directory of tools used by 10,000+ freelancers


The place to find quality freelance jobs and contracts


Discover the web homes of the people who build the internet

Marketing Stack

A curated directory of marketing resources and tools

Museum of Websites

Curated gallery of how internet companies changed over time

Startup Stash

A curated directory of 400 resources & tools for startups

The Freelancer Toolkit

A collection of essential tools and services for freelancers

The Standard Freelance Contract

The first common standard service agreement

Time Tracking for Freelancers

A simple, fully integrated time tracker for freelancers


The digital job notebook for freelancers

We Freelancing

The best tools and resources for your freelancing business!
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