
Find and share latest investor decks from 6,500+ companies.

21 Alternatives To InvestorDeck

Culture Codes

Company culture decks aggregated all in one place

Future Angel Investor Course

A free & comprehensive course on how to angel invest online

Investor Finder by FS

Fastest way to find relevant investors, powered by AngelList

Investor Hunt

Investor Hunt is the internet’s largest investor database with 40k+ angels and VCs from all over the world.

Investor List

A searchable, crowdsourced list of over 1k investors

Investor Updater

Simple, beautiful workflow tools for investor updates

Investor Updates

The simplest way for founders to keep investors informed.

List of Investors

Simple list of VC firms and Investors with email, etc.

Notion Template Gallery

Built by our community, editable by you

One Page Investor Summary

Generate a one page pitch summary

Pitch Deck Template

The easiest way to build your pitchdeck and raise money

Pitch Envy

A gallery of startup pitch decks


Chat with Pitchbot to perfect your VC pitch in 10 minutes.

Press Hunt

Press Hunt saves you hundreds of hours by aggregating data on almost 400,000 journalists and reporters in one place, complete with their writing interests and contact info.


Slides is a place for creating, presenting and sharing presentations. The Slides editor is available right in your browser. Unlike traditional presentation software, like PowerPoint, there’s no need to download anything.

Startup Decks

View 100s of startup pitch decks or submit your own.

Startup Pitch Decks

Real decks from real startups that raised over $400M
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