Ionicons offers fonts for Ionic Framework.
16 Alternatives To Ionicons
Ant Design
An enterprise-class UI design language and React implementation with a set of high-quality React components, one of best React UI library for enterprises
http://bit. ly/bY8LhR Once your keyword research has identified a Site Concept (i. e., theme) and several related ..
CSS Icon
CSSIcon is set made with pure css code and no dependencies.
HTML5 Widgets & SPA Framework for Desktop and Mobile
Element UI
Element, a Vue 2.0 based component library for developers, designers and product managers.
Envato Elements
Envato Elements is an advanced level subscription-based service that provides you with access to more than nine millions of downloadable digital assets for your projects.
Application and Data, Languages & Frameworks, and UI Components
A database of free vector icons.
IcoMoon is an icon management tool that is build to provide iconography.
IconPharm is a library of open source icons with recoloring and resizing tools.
LambdaNative is a cross-platform development environment written in Scheme, supporting Android…
Line Awesome
Same icons as Font Awesome, but in a modern outline style.
A CSS Framework and a Set of React Components that Implement Google’s Material Design
UI controls for great web & mobile developers. Use it for progressive web and hybrid apps with plain JS, jQuery, Angular, React and KO.
React Boilerplate
Offline-first, highly scalable foundation for your next app
Semantic UI
A UI Component library implemented using a set of specifications designed around natural language