Kobo Books

Kobo Books is a best in the class eBooks and eReadering apps for many reasons.

19 Alternatives To Kobo Books

Amazon Kindle

Amazon Kindle software lets you read ebooks on your Kindle, iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac, BlackBerry, and…

Cool Reader

Fast and small cross-platform eBook reader for desktops and handheld devices

Ebook Reader

Ebook Reader-created and published by eBooks.


With GoodReader on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, you can read virtually anything, anywhere.

Google Play Books

Google Play Books lets you search, preview, and buy millions of books using Google Book Search.


Magzter is the world’s largest digital magazine newsstand with over 10,000+ magazines in its catalogue. Read them anytime and anywhere on iPad, iPhone, Android devices and the web.


iReader is one of the most accomplished ways to read the books right from your smartphones.
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