Innovative on-line real time Laboratory Quality Control (QC) Software for medical laboratories of any size anywhere in the world. Minimize and control your QC cost; automate and centralize your QC
20 Alternatives To LAQC-DQC Daily QC
Agri-Labs Information Systems
LIMS software, ALIS is a Laboratory Information Management System for agricultural and environmental laboratories testing soil, feeds, milk, water, air, plant tissue, compost or manure.

Alfa21 LIMS
Software de gestión para el laboratorio ALFA21. LIMS que se adapta permanentemente a la innovación tecnológica. Fácil manejo y configuración. Análisis Clínicos - Veterinarios - Anatomía Patológica - Aguas, alimentos y medioambientales - Enológicos.

Benchling platform consists of an integrated lab notebook, LIMS, and molecular biology tools that streamline R&D from start to finish.

BioRAFT provides an integrated portal and reliable framework for scientific research management and compliance.
Cytobank is a cloud-based platform that enables users to analyze and visualize multiple single-cell data sets simultaneously.

Document Control
Cloud-based applications to help medical laboratories with compliance, CE, document control, and inspection readiness.
Pathology Test Tracking and Management System
Image Central
Advanced Imaging Concepts supplies digital imaging solutions for Microscopy, microscopes, cameras, confocal microscopes, image database, image archiving, medical imaging, scientific imaging, analog video cameras and automated microscopy applications

Labcore SDMS
Labgen LIS
Labgen is a fully integrated computer system uniquely designed for medical laboratories.
Public Health Microbiology Lab
LIMS (Laboratory Information Management Software, Compliance Software, Environmental Software

labfolder Electronic Lab Notebook
Digitalization is a reality in most areas of our life.