

LnnkIn is a free and Custom URL Shortener that provides analytics for the generated short links. Just try out our link shortener and boost your conversions and sales by creating tiny links. Cut urls and make them short right from our home page.

20 Alternatives To LnnkIn


For Display Purposes Only

Used to populate several related hashtags based on one or more input. (alt. to Leetags)


Use Heyo to easily create Sweepstakes, Contests, and Campaign apps that publish to Mobile, Facebook, and anywhere on the web.


A nice and open source url shortener. You can use it as service or install it on your own server.


An open source URL shortener. A great non-profit and free alternative to, TinyURL, or


PromoRepublic is an online editorial calendar for social media marketers and library of custom designed templates and post ideas for social networks. The calendar is stuffed with content for latest trends, important events’ and holidays notifications

T2M - URL Shortener

Link Management Platform Built for Businesses, Universities and Survey Agencies who needs Unlimited Short URLs with Custom Domains, API and much more


YOURLS is a website that contains all the tools you need to create and launch your very own URL shortener. URL shorteners like bitly or TinyURL are fine for public use, but they offer limited options in terms of URL customization.
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