Lyft is a mobile app that lets you get rides from pace to place for a fee. If you want to be a Lyft driver, you can go to their website and easily sign up to start driving for them. Read more about Lyft.
16 Alternatives To Lyft

Najobľúbenejšia mobilná aplikácia na objednávanie taxíka na Slovensku od roku 2012. Odvezieme ťa už v 5 mestách – Bratislave, Košiciach, Prahe, Ostrave a Ľubľane.

A privacy first neighbor network that connects you to people that live within 1,000 feet of you.
Do you like pushing buttons and shouting at your friends? Do you like discharging Clip-jawed Fluxtrunions? If you answered yes, or no, then you might have what it takes to be on a Spaceteam.