Mako Server

The Mako Server is an application server with an API that loosely resembles the Java Servlet API…

18 Alternatives To Mako Server

Apache Tomcat

An open source software implementation of the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies

Eclipse Jetty

Jetty is a highly scalable modular servlet engine and http server that natively supports many modern protocols like SPDY and WebSockets.


JBoss is Red Hats Java EE 5-compliant (soon Java EE 6-compliant) application server.

Payara Server

Payara Server is fully supported, developer-friendly, open source application server. Innovative, cloud-native, optimized for production deployments.


Pusher is a hosted API for quickly, easily and securely adding scalable realtime functionality via WebSockets to web and mobile apps.

WebSphere Application Server

Learn how you can use application servers from IBM to quickly create, connect and optimize applications on premises and on the cloud.


A secure, fast, compliant, and very flexible web-server that has been optimized for high-performance environments
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