AR gallery within the MoMA + open source

21 Alternatives To MoMAR

Apple ARKit

A framework to create Augmented Reality experiences for iOS

Best Snapchat Lenses

Unlock the best Snapchat lenses for 24hr, curated by @SVRF

How We Crafted Art Magazine

12 succesful creators share their process in 12 pages each

Jetpack App

The fastest way to copy your hashtags for Instagram

Kabaq 3D Food Scanner

Augmented Reality food scanner

Learn X in Y minutes

LearnXinYminutes isn’t a good way to learn your first programming language, but it’s a great way to…


Your camera roll in a monthly (printed) magazine

Retro Patents

Order limited edition prints of tech, music & gaming patents


Along with Auto-hashtagging, Auto-Emojify, and many automated features, you can generate…

SuperPaint - Virtual Graffiti

Tag your world with virtual graffiti

Webflow 3D Transforms

Build 3D interactions visually, without writing any code
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