
MProfit for Accounting

Try MProfit today for free to manage investments in Stocks, Mutual Funds and other asset classes. Import all your data to MProfit and view your Capital Gain, Annualised Return and other insightful reports.

21 Alternatives To MProfit for Accounting


Assetic Accounting

More control, where you need it Assetic Accounting gives finance professionals who manage asset portfolios flexibility and control.


Basis points (BPS) refers to a common unit of measure for interest rates and other percentages in finance.


International bank transfer platform for SMBs

Fund Manager

Learn more about fund managers, who oversee a portfolio of mutual or hedge funds and make final decisions about how they are invested.


Joist is a mobile application to manage estimates, invoicing and accounting for contractors.

Multi-Entity Management

Multi-Entity Management for Multi-Entities Helps Accomplish Your Business Goals | Consolidate many business transactions into one with Multi-Entity Management.

Obsidian Suite

All-in-one investor management for financial firms


Riskalyze is a quantitative system for identifying client risk tolerance, aligning portfolios to client expectations, and quantifying the suitability of investments.


EMX Royalty has a track record of success in exploration discovery, royalty generation, and strategic investments on 5 continents.

fi360 Toolkit

Other Finance & Insurance
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