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20 Alternatives To PlanXpand
Accenture Health Experience Platform
End-to-end efficiency accelerates customer acquisition, boosts retention and promotes long-term growth prospects for health payer organisations. Read more.

Cloud based medical billing and claim processing software
Allscripts PayerPath
Allscripts is an industry leader in EHR and EMR software. Learn more about Client Systems

Assurance Reimbursement Management
Discover our analytics-driven claims & reimbursement management solution for automating workflows, improving resource utilization and accelerating cash flow.
Cloud-based electronic health records (EHR), practice management, patient engagement and population health services for medical groups and health systems.
Health Plans, Revenue Cycle Solutions, Healthcare Claims Clearinghouse - Availity

Innovative cloud-based practice management and EHR software, revenue cycle management and patient engagement. See what CareCloud can do for your practice.
Discover how our claims payment solution can improve claims payment accuracy, streamline the claims adjudication process, and improve the claims editing process

DST Healthcare Administration
Revenue Cycle Management
Health iPass
Medical Billing

LexisNexis ProviderPoint
Provider data from LexisNexis ProviderPoint. One of the industry’s most comprehensive health care provider databases.
Healthcare Payer Care Management Workflow Applications
Virtuo MIS
MediSolution is pleased to offer specialized software solutions designed for Canadian healthcare organizations with unique needs. Our software portfolio includes Virtuo HCM and Virtuo MIS suite of solutions.

Waystar RCM Platform
Enhance your patient financial experience with Waystar’s healthcare RCM platform software. Predictive analytics help inform better decisions & revenue recovery.