Project Reports for Slack

Visualize your team’s progress directly in Slack. Free.

14 Alternatives To Project Reports for Slack

Baremetrics for Slack

Subscription analytics, insights & notifications in Slack


Control is a leading Stripe and PayPal analytics and alerts platform for SaaS, subscription and eCommerce businesses, enabling instant intelligence anywhere via its Android, iOS, and web-based products.

Facebook Analytics for Apps

Improved cross-platform analytics for websites and bots

Kwench Bots

Use bots to manage tasks, interactions, ideas + execution

Make It Rain

Random gifs when you get paid via Stripe (Slack and Hipchat)


Build your dashboard with marketing, product and revenue metrics. Analyse your unit economics, MRR, LTV, churn rate by marketing channels and cohorts.

SaaS Metrics Refresher from ChartMogul

A 10-week crash course in SaaS metrics 📊


Connect your database, let Statsbot generate data relationships from your database automatically, and get your first insights in a matter of minutes.

Statsbot Alerts

Immediately focus on significant changes in your data