

Graphic style similar to Portal. Time based puzzles with a twist.

12 Alternatives To Promethius


See high res text graphics. Master physics bending puzzles. Escape the test chambers.


A free open source game with teleportation.


What happens when you mash Super Mario Bros. and Portal together?

Narbacular Drop

Using two interconnected portals you can place on walls, ceilings and the floor, you must navigate your way through a sentient dungeon.


Financial Aid Award Letter, - Messages and Calendar, - Grades.

Portal Slingshot

You are equipped with a portal slingshot that allows you to shoot two portals that connect the…


Portile is a 2d, tile-based take on Narbacular Drop (more than Portal, because momentum plays a big…


Proteus - Proteus is a great electrical suite for circuit simulation purposes. You can simulate a single processor or multiple ones at the same time. The application is a great alternative for Virtual System Modelling.

Quantum Conundrum

Quantum Conundrum is a First-person Perspective game with strong Sci-fi, Puzzle-Platform, and Single-player elements published by Square Enix and developed by Airtight Games.

Super Meat Boy

Let’s start with what’s the same: Dr. Fetus is still a jerk, gameplay is super challenging but fair, there are tight controls and great levels and you will die. a lot.

The Talos Principle

Philosophical first-person puzzle game.

Toad Strikes Back

Toad Strikes Back is fan game based on classic Super Mario Bros. titles.