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HelioBLAST text similarity engine finds text records that are similar to the submitted query.


Oxford plagiarism checker is a professional plagiarism checker designed for research teams and content publishers. Oxsic uses proprietary plagiarism checking algorithm. It checks in real-time among the biggest collection of scholarly material.

Plagiarism Checker X

Commercial Plagiarism Checker that scans your content and highlights snippets of text that exist…


Plagius - Plagiarism Detector is a plagiarism checker software. Plagius analyzes documents searching for occurrences of plagiarism over the internet. It analyses docx, pdf and also compares local files.


Our plagiarism checker recognizes paraphrased plagiarism, checks your paper against more that 14 trillion documents and lets you to edit your paper online.

Referral Communities by Drafted

Beyond employee referrals

Rooftop Slushie

Get career advice from verified FAANG employees

SCRiBBR Plagiarism Check

This plagiarism check uses the best of both worlds.


Tomigo is a social recruiting platform that leverages your company’s social connections to hire top talent.


Turnitin is preferred by educational institutions around the world for preventing plagiarism. Instructors at all levels of education can request that students use the service to submit papers, and Turnitin checks those papers for plagiarism.
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