
SoundBox is a tool for composing synth music in your browser. It’s optimized for small (4 KB) JavaScript demos.

20 Alternatives To SoundBox

Adobe Audition

Mix, edit, and create audio content in Adobe Audition CC with a comprehensive toolset that includes multitrack, waveform, and spectral display.


Audacity is a free and open-source audio production software suite that includes a surprising array of editing tools and recording systems.

Avid Pro Tools

Music software for Mac or PC to create audio with up to 128 audio tracks.


Web-based Amiga music tracker in JavaScript

FL Studio

Image-Line’s FL Studio, now on it’s 12th version, is a well-known music production suite and the most popular beat processor on the market, due no doubt to its longevity. Read more about FL Studio.

Schism Tracker

Schism Tracker is a free reimplementation of Impulse Tracker, a program used to create high quality…


SunVox is a small, fast and powerful modular synthesizer with pattern based sequencer (tracker).
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