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Code Climate for Google Chrome
Code quality and test coverage, directly in GitHub
Code Climate provides automated code review for your apps, letting you fix quality and security issues before they hit production. We check every commit, branch and pull request for changes in quality and potential vulnerabilities.
A clean and simple way to view a Github user’s information
Better GitHub profiles for everyone
Originally founded as a project to simplify sharing code, GitHub has grown into an application used by over a million people to store over two million code repositories, making GitHub the largest code host in the world.
GitHub Reviews
A place for reviews of popular open source projects
GitHub for Atom
Git and GitHub integration right inside Atom
GitNews Web
Trending repositories from GitHub, HackerNews & Reddit
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The missing preview feature for GitHub
Tech Overdose
A tech aggregator for dev junkies í ½í±¨âí ½í²»
Create GitHub status checks using JavaScript Functions