
TelluCloud is a cloud platform for creating services and products with connectivity and Internet of Things functionality.

18 Alternatives To TelluCloud


AWS IoT Core

Whether building a connected home application for home security or building an industrial application to proactively identify equipment breakdown, you can use AWS IoT Core to securely communicate with and gather data from your diverse fleet of IoT d…

AWS IoT Things Graph

AWS IoT Things Graph lets you easily build IoT applications by connecting devices, such as sensors and actuators, and web services with little or no code.

Apache iota

IoT Analytics


Arrayent provides IoT cloud platform-as-a-service (PaaS) that was specifically designed for manufacturers of mass-market consumer home products.


Axonize IoT platform - the smarter way to truly realize your IoT potential and create smart, scalable IoT projects to increase profitability.

Azure IoT Central

Build and manage enterprise IoT solutions with Azure IoT Central, an end-to-end application platform to quickly connect millions of devices.

Blynk IoT platform

Join the most popular IoT platform to connect your devices to the cloud, design apps to control them, and manage your deployed products at scale

Google Cloud IoT Core

A fully managed service to easily and securely connect, manage, and ingest data from globally dispersed devices

IBM Watson IoT Platform

Watson IoT Platform provides the ability to completely manage IoT landscape and make better, even real-time, business decisions.


Scalable cloud backend platform for enterprise applications, consumer apps, mobile games and the…

SAP Leonardo Internet of Things

Run a fully connected enterprise with our Internet of Things (IoT) applications, platform, and technology. Create a smart IoT strategy, fast-track ROI – and transform your business models and processes.

Salesforce IoT Cloud

Modernize your field service management software to deliver better onsite support and keep employees and customers informed every step of the way.


SiteWhere is an open platform for the Internet of Things to build IoT applications that scale with the business.

Status Device Cloud

B-Scada’s IoT Platform allows users to easily create complex IoT (Internet of Things) applications for virtually any data source.


Temboo features an abundant selection of APIs as well as choreos, which are code snippets that provide convenient access to APIs while hiding low-level details. They have a well organized library that is fully searchable.


Open source data platform for the Internet of Things. ThingSpeak Features
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