The Magic Door
An Alexa-powered interactive adventure
13 Alternatives To The Magic Door
API to bot
Convert your API to Alexa skill or Google Home app in 5 mins

Alexa Skill Builder by Chatamo
Build your own Alexa skills for free (no code required)!

Alexa Skill Kit
Effortless Alexa Skill development with AWS Lambda
Alexa for Business
Using Amazon Alexa’s voice enabled devices for workplaces

Our bots read everything, to help you compare anything.
Create Alexa skills and Google Assistant actions with Markup
Gordon Ramsay on Alexa
Invite your favorite chef over for dinner
How To Build Alexa Skills
Step by step of how to build a Alexa Skill for brands
í ½í·£ Build cross-platform apps for Alexa and Google Home
Project Alias
Get more control over your smart assistants
Podcasts as simple as radio.
Voice Principles
Guiding principles for voice design, all in one place