
UpdateStar Review


With the technological advances sweeping the globe today, it is not surprising to learn that any given piece of software can be out of date in the blink of an eye… read more.

20 Alternatives To UpdateStar


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Easy to use tool that help you keep your apps up to date.

Avira Software Updater

Application that searches updates for software on your computer

FileHippo App Manager

Scan your computer for installed apps to check if updates are available.

Google Security Scanner

Allows developers to scan their apps for vulnerabilities

Heimdal Security

Financial Security and Data Protection from Heimdal for your computer. Get the most advanced protection against hackers.

Kaspersky Software Updater

Free PC Software Updater automatically scans for updates to stay current with latest product enhancements, fixed bugs, closed security breaches and more.


Ketarin is a small application which automatically updates and optionally installs setup packages…

MacUpdate Desktop

MacUpdate Desktop makes managing and updating your applications easy and automatic.

Milouz Market

Milouz Market is a free software manager for Windows XP/Vista/7 32/64bits.

Ninite Updater

All software updaters tell you when new versions are available.


OUTDATEfighter Keeps your programs updated so you’ll always enjoy the latest features.

Patch My PC

Patch My PC Updater is a free, easy-to-use program that keeps over 300 apps up-to-date on your computer.

Qualys BrowserCheck

Qualys BrowserCheck is a free tool that scans your browser and its plugins to find potential…


R-Updater is a very useful tool to keep your installed programs up-to-date.

Software Informer

Software Informer is your personal guide into the world of software: latest news, free software downloads, editorial reviews and much more.

Ubuntu Update Manager

One of the great things about using open source software is the frequency with which bugs are…

Zero Install

Zero Install is a decentralised cross-distribution software installation system.
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