

Omnidirectional Hi-Res Smart Speaker

21 Alternatives To UPstage360

API to bot

Convert your API to Alexa skill or Google Home app in 5 mins

Alexa Skill Kit

Effortless Alexa Skill development with AWS Lambda

Alexa for Business

Using Amazon Alexa’s voice enabled devices for workplaces

Amazon Blueprints

Create your own Alexa Skill in minutes

ApiToBot Flash Briefing

Quickly create Alexa flash briefing skills without coding


Talk to Alexa anywhere, from your iPhone


Create Alexa skills and Google Assistant actions with Markup


Amazon’s Alexa in your browser

Hey Siri

Commands you can use on your iOS and macOS Devices


🗣 Build cross-platform apps for Alexa and Google Home

Lovely Notes Alexa Skill

Daily note-writing prompts to make your friends smile.

OK Google

Explore over 150 Google Now voice commands in one place

Smart Speaker Designs

Free collection of HomePod/Echo/Home vectors for Sketch/EPS
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