Vote Count for Product Hunt
A simple api to get a product’s vote count on Product Hunt
19 Alternatives To Vote Count for Product Hunt

Today’s top news through photos, videos, and minimal text
Embed Hunt
Add the details of any Product Hunt “hunt” to your site
Floating Prompt
Invite your users to support your launch anywhere
Flutter Widget Livebook
100+ widget live preview samples, built with flutter for web
Helping businesses secure more online reviews

Let people know about your launch on Product Hunt
Preview Hunt
í ½í´Preview and prepare your Product Hunt submission
Product Hunt Cards
Embed products and comments across the web í ¼í¼
Product Hunt Previewer
See how your product will look on Product Hunt í ½í²
Product Hunt Profile Widget
Embed your Product Hunt profile on any website
Product Hunt Reviews Widget
Embed and encourage PH reviews into your product
Review Scraper API
Reviews from 50+ sites in JSON
Your customers already love you, so why not show it off?
The Un-official Messenger Button
Facebook Messenger button for your website/app
Unofficial Snapchat button
A button embed to promote your Snapchat account.