Effortless AR Prototyping
20 Alternatives To wiARframe
Amazon Sumerian
A cloud platform to create VR, AR, and 3D experiences
Apple ARKit
A framework to create Augmented Reality experiences for iOS
Arrow iOS
Give life to texts & emojis in AR
Sketch-to-screen AR converter
Create reactive AR apps without code
Content Marketing Stack
A curated directory of content marketing resources
Facebook AR Studio
Facebook’s developer platform for Augmented Reality
Take photos and leave them floating in space
Glass Enterprise Edition
Google Glass is back, for the enterprise í ¾í´
Google ARCore
Google Augmented Reality SDK
Mix holograms into videos & photos in Augmented Reality
Just a Line
Make simple drawings in AR, by Google
Made With ARKit
Hand-picked curation of the coolest stuff made with ARKit
Magic Sudoku - ARkit
Solve sudoku puzzles like magic with the power of AR
Marketing Stack
A curated directory of marketing resources and tools
Snap Art
Snap’s augmented reality platform
Stack of Stack
Hand curated list of the best curated lists!
Svrf API
Augmented Reality Face Filters as an API
Smart Augmented Reality Measurement
Quickly design AR and 3D prototypes on iOS