YC Rejects

A community of rejected YC companies

22 Alternatives To YC Rejects


Best Referral Programs

A curated directory of startup referral programs

Closed Club

Browse shut-down start-ups & learn why they closed down

Culture Codes

Company culture decks aggregated all in one place


Find and share latest investor decks from 6,500+ companies.

Keynote Stash

A collection of awesome talks, launches and keynotes

One Page Investor Summary

Generate a one page pitch summary

Pitch Deck Template

The easiest way to build your pitchdeck and raise money


Chat with Pitchbot to perfect your VC pitch in 10 minutes.


Slides is a place for creating, presenting and sharing presentations. The Slides editor is available right in your browser. Unlike traditional presentation software, like PowerPoint, there’s no need to download anything.

Startup Decks

View 100s of startup pitch decks or submit your own.

Startup Failures

Share your failures and learn from mistakes

Startup Graveyard

History shouldn’t have to repeat itself

Startup Pitch Decks

Real decks from real startups that raised over $400M

Startup Stash

A curated directory of 400 resources & tools for startups

The Google Cemetery

A list of dead Google products and why they died

WWDC app for OS X

An app to view and watch WWDC sessions on your Mac
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