Your Life In Weeks
A spreadsheet of your life inspired by Wait But Why
18 Alternatives To Your Life In Weeks
Maintain your daily mindfulness routine í ½í¸
OI Calendar
Encrypted, decentralized alternative to Google calendar
A powerful document manager for Mac, Windows, and Linux for managing web content, books, and notes and supports tagging, annotation, highlighting and keeps track of your reading progress.
Polaroid Zip Instant
A pocket-sized device for instant photo printing
Turn your smartphone into a Polaroid
Prynt Pocket
Photo printer that uses AR to create moving pictures
Rolo Calendar
A calendar for people who don’t use calendars
Turn your smartphone into a polaroid film printer
Sprocket Printers
Create instantly stickable photos in seconds
The Polaroid Lab
Turn your smartphone photos into polaroids
stickK enables users to form commitment contracts to help them achieve their personal goals.