Anti-Social Website Blocker

Anti-Social Website Blocker is an unfathomably straightforward and compelling profitability instrument, utilized by a vast number of individuals worldwide to improve their efficiency.

5 Alternatives To Anti-Social Website Blocker


FocalFilter is a Windows based application which helps you center by briefly blocking diverting sites.


New Tab page that gives you a moment of calm and inspires you to be more productive.

Productivity Owl

Profitability Owl is a captivated, judgmental animal that will swoop into spare you from yourself – exactly when you require it the most.


V2 updates! - Custom time interval for distraction free mode - Ability to turn off ' always on’ mode - Improved UI – Self Control – A simple app to keep you focused online by blocking sites that you spend way too much time on.


SprintWork is a complete and solid bit of programming that was created to give you the method for precisely following the time your representatives spend on sites or playing recreations, empowering you to square access to certain interpersonal organ…