
Protects you from clickbaits

20 Alternatives To Antibait

Adblock Analytics

Gain insights into visitor ad blocking activity

Adblock Fast

A faster ad blocker for browsers and iOS 9

Adblock Radio

Skip ads and/or chit-chat on your favorite radios


Stop ads, restore privacy, earn crypto.

Asora Clickbait Detector

Detects clickbait posts on social media

Bad Ad Johnny

Bad Ad Johnny stops ads, fights malware & dodges trackers.


A mobile web browser engineered from first principles


MoviePass for news

Hide & Seek

A Safari content blocker extension to improve your privacy


Tool to verify content on social networks


Adblocker meets Pinterest to replace ads with inspiration


A simple clickbait detection API using machine learning

Overlay Blocker

Make Chrome smarter, able to detect and stop overlay popups


Speed up web browsing by blocking ads & trackers on iOS 9


Quest lets you create sophisticated text-based games, without having to program.

Sift App

Uncover bad network traffic on your phone

Stop The Bullshit

Hide posts & block sites that publish fake news on Facebook

StopAd PRO

The ultimate ad blocker for Windows and Mac.

Trust Frank

Trusted breaking news