
Apache Tajo

Apache Tajo is a robust big data relational and distributed data warehouse system for Apache Hadoop.

15 Alternatives To Apache Tajo

Amazon Redshift

Learn about Amazon Redshift cloud data warehouse.

Apache Hive

Apache Hive data warehouse software facilitates querying and managing large datasets residing in distributed storage.


Data Warehouse Management solutions


Fivetran offers companies a data connector for extracting data from many different cloud and database sources.

Greenplum Database

Greenplum Database is an open source parallel data warehousing platform.


The Infoworks Autonomous Data Engine automates data engineering and data ops for end-to-end big…

Kalido Information Engine

Kalido Information Engine enables customers to deploy and maintain a data warehouse much faster than traditional hand-coding or ETL-based methods.


Kognitio is an in-memory analytical software platform that supports BI, OLAP and analytical applications on large and complex data.

Microsoft Azure Data Lake

Azure Data Lake is a real-time data processing and analytics solution that works across platforms and languages.


Netezza is a powerful platform that changed the world of data warehousing by introducing one of the world’ first data warehouse appliances.

PHEMI Central

PHEMI Central is a production-ready big data warehouse with built-in privacy, data sharing, and data governance.

Relational Junction

Relational Junction includes purpose-built replication products that fully automate data warehouses for Cloud or API-based data sources.