
Banana Pi

Banana Pi is a single-board computer made in China. It can run Android, Ubuntu and Debian.

20 Alternatives To Banana Pi


The Foundation is a US-based 501(c) non-profit corporation existing to provide…

BeagleBone Black

BeagleBone Black is a low-power open-source SBC introduced by Texas Instruments in association with Digi-key and Newark element1.


AI-powered chat bot that automates your savings 💸


Cubieboard is a single-board computer, made in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.


Electronics, Single Board Computer, and x86


Fly high with your ultimate IoT platform

Intel NUC

Intel NUCs are available as Kits(Barebones), Boards(Mainbaord only) and as perconfigured Mini-PCs.


Lattepanda is a complete windows 10 single board computer and first machine that comes pre-installed with a full edition of Windows 10 Home Edition so you can easily run all the powerful tools including NodeJs, Visual Studios and Processing etc.

Mac Mini

Mac Mini is a small, affordable desktop computer manufactured by Apple Inc.

Macbook Air with Retina

The popular laptop with more power and a beautiful display

Minnow Board

The Minnow Board is Intel’s entry into the hacker-space.

MinnowBoard Max

Turbot Dual-Core Turbot Quad-Core Turbot Dual Ethernet Dual-Core Turbot Dual Ethernet Quad-Core V1 Max Picture Status Production Production Production Production EOL EOL Suggested Retail $149 $190 $175 $199 — …

Novasom Industries M7

Quad Core Cortex A53 @1,5 GHz4K UHD on HDMIUSB 3Wi-Fi/BT certifiedWide range protected power supplyRASPMOOD designIndustrial ComponentsCertified BoardM7 is designed specifically to immediate replace the Pi3 with an Industrial object, from a HW and a…


Open Source Software and Open Source Hardware, low cost Linux Industrial grade single board…


The Odroid is a series of single-board computers and tablet computers created by Hardkernel Co.

Orange Pi

It’s an open-source single-board computer. It can run Android 4.

Radxa Rock

The Radxa Rock steps up the microprocessor game with a quad-core 1.

Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is a tiny and affordable computer that you can use to learn programming through fun, practical projects. Join the global Raspberry Pi community.

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B is another powerful and next-generation computer board that is best for all the computer users who want to enjoy 3D games or create a software development.


UDOO is a single-board computer integrated with a microcontroller Arduino 2 compatible, designed…