
Color Lisa

Color palette masterpieces from the greatest artists

16 Alternatives To Color Lisa


Generate simple and beautiful CSS3 gradients.

Color Palette Generator

Enter the URL of an image and find its color palette

Color Palette Manager

This nifty app helps you create, manage and share palettes.

Google Art Palette

Unique color combinations, drawn from the world of art


Gradient generator built on Tumblr

Happy Hues

Curated color palettes in action


A tool to create color palettes through your images

Image to Material Palette Tool

Generate material color palette from any image

LOL Colors

Curated color palette inspiration.

Material Palette

Generate and export your Material Design color palette

Material UI Colors

Color palette for material design


Discover fresh new color palettes based on emerging artists.

Palette For Mac

A menu bar based colour contrast analyser

Random Color Palettes

Generate a random color palette by tapping your space bar

Site Palette

Get the essential colours from any website

Sketch Palettes

Sketch plugin to save and load colors into the color picker