Computer Science Field Guide

Online interactive resource for students to learn about CS

15 Alternatives To Computer Science Field Guide


AWS Lambda + Motion AI

Build bots using Node.js, in your browser!

Amazon Lamba

Automatic, event-driven compute service


Mini-games that intro kids to HTML and web development


A new kind of school for aspiring freelancers

Hack Club

Free and open source high school coding clubs 👊💥

Holberton School

High-quality software engineering education for the many

Lambda School

A full Computer Science education - free until you get a job

Microsoft Intune for Education

Simplify IT. Enhance every classroom.


The global school for remote software developers.

Papers We Love

A repository of academic computer science papers


Manage your Papertrail logs on the go ☁️📱

Serverless Framework

Build auto-scaling, pay per execution apps on AWS Lambda

Young Startup Club

Turns your ideas into new connections from community