Cost of Living Calculator

City comparison tool to see how far your salary will go

21 Alternatives To Cost of Living Calculator

App Cost Calculator

Plan your app development budget within 2 minutes

Bootstrap Money

How much money can you make selling software?

Company of One

A book on why staying small is the next big thing in biz

Cost of Live

Explore the community-powered cost of living insights 🌏

Equity Calculator

Figure out what your equity is worth

Financial Independence Calculator

How early can you 🍹retire if you move to another place?

Financial Toolbelt

Powerful calculators that help you improve your finances

Founder Salary Calculator

Unsure how much to pay yourself? Check out this calculator.

LinkedIn Salary

Discover your earning potential


Learn to bootstrap profitable startups the 👨‍🎤indie way


Compare your home country to others around the world

Nomad List

Find the best place to ❤️ live, 👩‍💻 work, and 💃 play

Omni Calculator

Over 350 calculators in one place 🤓


Easy to use percentage calculator

Startup Costs

How much does it cost to run a startup?

Teleport City Profiles

Move to your best place to live and work

Teleport Eightball

Compare your salary and costs of living in cities worldwide

The Quarterly Review For You

Check-in with yourself. Free reminders, guide & template.
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