D3 Digest

A Slack bot that digests links based on their reactions

13 Alternatives To D3 Digest

BuyerBot Slack Bot

Amazon purchasing for Slack teams

DailyBot for Students

Helping students achieve goals with reminders and automation

Finn Slack Bot

Finn makes doing things with lists easy and a bit more fun

Kayak Slack Bot

Travel search is now literally at your fingertips

LawTrades Slackbot

Your team’s new legal assistant


Slack bot for ping pong tracking.


A fun and informative Video Urban Dictionary.

Slack Emoji Reactions

Respond to any message with an emoji! 🎉😻🙌

Slackbot Workout

A slackbot to get your team in shape

Slackbot for Highrise

Tasks & convos with customers recorded in a simple CRM

Worklife Slackbot

Your personal meeting assistant, in Slack

Wrappup Slackbot

Online meetings + AI superpowers

Zalster Slack Bot

Slack bot for Facebook ads