
Dr. Folder

Customize windows folder

8 Alternatives To Dr. Folder

Bee Icons

Bee Icons can replace almost any system icon with a more stylish and improved version.


It lets you customize almost any part of Windows according to your taste.

FCorp My Desktop

“ALL-IN-ONE” Desktop Related Tools.

Folder Icon X

Folder Icon X is an award-winning Mac OS X-native application providing a simple way to create a…

Folder Marker

Simply select the folder you want to mark, right-click on its icon and select a color-coded icon from the drop-down menu. The icon will be assigned to the folder at once.


IconTweaker is a freeware application that allows you to customize all your Windows icons.

Rainbow Folders

Rainbow Folders (RF) is an easy to use program, which allows you to change the color of the icon…

Teorex FolderIco

FolderIco allows to change the color of Windows folder in one click!