
Reduce your churn rate by avoiding failed payments on Stripe

10 Alternatives To Expiry

Baremetrics Dunning & Retention

Automatically collect on failed charges in Stripe


Find out who removed your service from their website.


Prevent churn on your mobile app subscriptions


ChurnTarget helps you reduce your SaaS churn by targeting customers that will soon churn. Using intelligent churn prediction, we will alert you on the customers that are at risk of churning, so you can reach out to them and prevent them from leaving.

Customer Feedback Portal

Ask customers what you should build next


Hack user engagement with Dopamine’s Reinforcement API

Lookback Live

Real-time user research on mobile and desktop 🕵 ✍️

ProfitWell Retain from Price Intelligently

Delinquent churn reduction for Zuora, Braintree, and Stripe


In-app subscriptions made easy