Freelancer Rate Calculator

Calculate your day and hourly freelance rate

22 Alternatives To Freelancer Rate Calculator

Affirm 2018

Create a poster that affirms your 2018 $$ Goal

Bootstrap Money

How much money can you make selling software?

Company of One

A book on why staying small is the next big thing in biz

Cost of Living Calculator

City comparison tool to see how far your salary will go


Compare and calculate the fees of popular payment providers


Engagedly is a comprehensive cloud platform (SaaS) providing 360 degree talent management solutions.

Equity Calculator

Figure out what your equity is worth

Financial Independence Calculator

How early can you 🍹retire if you move to another place?

Financial Toolbelt

Powerful calculators that help you improve your finances


The place to find quality freelance jobs and contracts


The #1 software development tool used by agile teams. Jira Software is built for every member of your software team to plan, track, and release great software. Jira Software supports any agile project management methodology for software development Jira Software is an agile project management tool that supports any agile methodology, be it scrum, kanban, or your own unique flavor.


LucaNet offers a suite of integrated products to meet all of corporate and financial performance management needs.


Learn to bootstrap profitable startups the 👨‍🎤indie way

Omni Calculator

Over 350 calculators in one place 🤓


Documents made smart with textually narrated calculations 📝📊

Rental Cash Flow Calculator

Get a cash flow analysis for your rental property in 5 steps


SutiHR is a robust, intuitive, and modular online HR software platform that gives you integrated tools for end-to-end business process management from a single interface.


Tagetik offers a unified Corporate Performance Management software solution for budgeting, planning, consolidation, monthly close, and more.

What Is My Day Rate?

A simple tool to calculate your freelance rate
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