Gift Art by Feral Horses

This Christmas, anyone can gift museum-worthy artworks

20 Alternatives To Gift Art by Feral Horses

ASCII Prints

ASCII art on your wall ¯_(ツ)_/¯


ASCII art as a service ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

Aura Frame

A smart picture frame for your family

Cowsay ASCII Generator

Speak through a cow or many other ASCII characters


Create gorgeously rendered visual content for social media

Dot Press

Sell any digital design or photo as a framed poster

Emoji Maker

Create custom Emoji based on Twemoji

Gif Slice

Slice up gifs into art for your walls


Make animated GIFs into paper flip books

Infinite Objects Creator Tool

Upload and edit your videos to create a custom video print

Level AI Filters

Use AI to transform any photo into framed art for your walls

Loop Feedback

Loop leverages a screenshot plugin that integrates directly into your website, as well as an embeddable forum, to help you collect customer feedback.


Monodraw allows you to easily create text-based art (like diagrams, layouts, flow charts) and…


(◕‿◕) Interactive text emoji maker!

Retro Patents

Order limited edition prints of tech, music & gaming patents

Triangle This

Make a pyramid with any text 🙈📐

World Emoji Awards 2017

Celebrating emoji excellence 🗳🌎😃🏆💯


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