Hire Tech Ladies

Connecting women with the best jobs in tech

14 Alternatives To Hire Tech Ladies

A-List by AngelList

Hire top tech talent, first

AI Jobs

Find awesome jobs in AI or computer vision

Algolia Personalization

Give your users a personalized experience

Beyond Curie

Design project that highlights badass women in STEM


The most powerful network for women in tech.

Future Jobs

Discover machine learning, AI, and data science jobs

Hacker Hiring Hunt

Easily search HN Hiring threads for your next role or hire

Hire a BuzzFeeder

Find BuzzFeed people laid off and looking for a new job


A direct pipeline to top female tech talent

Job Collections by AngelList

Job opportunities from YC companies, female founders, & more

Udacity Blitz

Get software built by engineers you can hire afterwards


Curated list of jobs and internships in AI Industry 🤖