Huger Electric Skateboards

Electric skateboard: 25 mph, 20 mi range, waterproof, & more

15 Alternatives To Huger Electric Skateboards


Blizart Fishtail Electric Skateboard

Skate around (for 17 mi) without pushing!


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LaCroix Electric Skateboard

Longboard style with a 30+ mile range

LimeBike Scooters

Rent bikes, e-bikes, and e-scooters starting at $1 / 30 min

Meepo Board V2

The best budget electric skateboard reinvented

Mellow Boards

Turn any normal skateboard into an electric skateboard.


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STARY Electric Skateboard

8.1lbs, 18.6 mph, 10 miles on a charge

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A better shared scooter, from the founders of Boosted Board

The Glider

A foldable electric scooter by Inboard ⚡🛴

Turbo Jetts

Turn any sneaker into electric wheelies


Weight-Sensing Electric Skateboard