IMES is a server-based, multi-user music database & streamer.
18 Alternatives To IMES
Air Video HD
Air Video HD. Introducing the all-new Air Video. Watch videos streamed instantly from your computer on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or Apple TV. No need to worry about converting or .
Web ( HTTP centralized ) based audio/video streaming application

AudioStreamer is a free web-based audio streamer which gives you easy access to your music.

Funkwhale is a modern, self-hosted, free and open-source music server

Jinzora Media Server
Jinzora Media Server is a web based media streaming and management system, allowing you to stream…
LMS - Lightweight Music Server
Access your self-hosted music using a web interface.
Madsonic is a web-based media streamer and jukebox fork of https://alternativeto.

Serendipity by Spotify
Map shows when two people play same song at same time
Sockso is a free, open-source, personal music host server for everyone! It’s designed to be as . playlists, search, etc.
Style Jukebox
Play your music from the cloud in high fidelity
Subsonic is a free, web-based media streamer, providing ubiquitous access to your music and video.
Zeya is a media player that lets you bring your music to any computer with a web browser.
Zina is a graphical interface to your MP3 collection, a personal jukebox, an MP3 streamer.
atmosph3re is a web-based music streamer, allowing you to play your music from anywhere, on any…
kPlaylist is a PHP designed system for streaming your audio files as mp3, wma, ogg and others…
netjukebox is a web-based media jukebox for MPD, VideoLAN and Winamp/httpQ.
pulpTunes is an open source web server that enables you to access and play your iTunes library…

Listen to music on the go! Streeme is an open source, html5 based personal music server.